Compliance – Infringement Information System
The CRG declares its commitment to promoting a corporate culture based on integrity, ethics, the compliance with the regulatory framework and the prohibition of criminal acts. With the aim of fostering a culture of compliance and preventing and detecting any conduct that may violate the law or the organization's internal policies, the CRG has in place its own Code of Conduct and Good Governance, Anti-fraud Measures Plan, Institutional Declaration against Fraud, Criminal Compliance Policy, Internal Information System Policy and Internal Information Channel Regulation.
The CRG's Code of Conduct and Good Governance establishes the framework for the expected professional behaviour of all CRG employees, students and collaborators. It also sets out the principles of good governance for the governing and executive bodies of the CRG.
The CRG’s Anti-fraud Measures Plan has the objective to ensure that the grant funds have been used in accordance with applicable rules, as regards the prevention, detection and correction of fraud, corruption, double funding and conflicts of interest.
The CRG's Criminal Compliance Policy states the organization's commitment and its responsibilities regarding compliance, the functions of the Internal Information System and Channel, the disciplinary regime, the evaluation and prioritization of criminal risks, support for the management model and the periodic verification of the model. This policy applies to all employees, executives, contractors, suppliers, and third parties who have links to the CRG in the development of their activities.
The CRG’s Internal Information System Policy and the CRG's Internal Information Channel Regulation establish the procedure for receiving and managing communications received about conducts that may be contrary to the law or the organization's internal policies. The CRG has designed its Internal Information System and Channel that meets the standards of security and anonymity for the receipt of alerts within the framework of Law 2/2023, of 20th February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory violations and the fight against corruption, as a secure and confidential communication channel for the informants to report any irregularities detected in the course of their professional duties, through the form annexed to the CRG's Internal Information Channel Regulation. This form can be sent to the mailbox or through a postal letter to the Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica, C/ Doctor Aiguader, number 88, 5th floor, PRBB Building, 08003 - Barcelona, addressed to the Compliance Committee. In addition, informants may communicate alerts verbally to the Compliance Committee Coordinator, by telephone at the Compliance Committee Coordinator’s direct telephone number 933160162, or by arranging a face-to-face meeting requested through the abovementioned mailbox. The protection of personal data, the presumption of innocence and respect for the honour of all persons affected by the communication will be always guaranteed.
On the other side, any evidence-based situation of fraud or corruption at CRG can be reported through any of the following external information channels:
Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya (Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia)
Servicio Nacional de Coordinación Antifraude (National Service of Anti-Fraud Coordination)
Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude (European Anti-Fraud Office)
Finally, there is a specific Internal Information Channel in the event that the issues being reported are related to situations of sexual harassment and/or gender-based harassment, psychological harassment at work, or harassment based on any other differences (such as ethnicity, religion, disability, etc.) The procedure for receiving and handling the communications received is the established by the CRG’s Protocol for the Prevention and Management of Harassment. The communication can be made by sending the form annexed to the Protocol by email or physically to any of the persons of reference indicated therein, or by their direct telephone numbers.