ImPuLSe 2023

Description of the Program
Eligibility criteria
Application Process
Selection process
Description of the Program
The Severo Ochoa IMPULSE Visitor Program is aimed at scientists in Spain who do not have access to the Core Technologies, Scientific Resources and Business and Development capacities available at the CRG, and who are interested in leveraging these capacities for their projects. Applicants will be hosted by CRG groups or Core Technology units and will integrate into the host group activities.
- Participation in CRG Program Data Clubs, seminars and retreats.
- Access to internal training (
- Core Technologies at internal prices (
- Budget up to 15.000 € for each application, to cover the following cost categories:
- Costs to help develop the scientific project.
- Costs to help cover return ticket.
- Costs to help cover accommodation.
Eligibility criteria
The IMPULSE Visitor Program is open to scientists that come from research centres, universities and hospitals based in Spain that do not belong to Severo Ochoa Centres or Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence.
Researchers working on computational and/or mathematical modelling have the opportunity to stay at the Barcelona Collaboratorium, an initiative from CRG and EMBL, to collaborate with other research fellows on predictive biology. For more information see website.
Scientists can be Principal Investigators (PIs), postdocs or experienced (3-4 year) PhD students, including awardees of Ramón y Cajal and Miguel Servet Programs. PIs must have at least one active grant, and may come accompanied by 1-2 students/postdocs.
The Impulse Visitor Programme supports stays of 1 to 6 months during the time-frame of the Severo Ochoa Award (2022-2026).
Application Process
Applications for the Impulse Visitor Program are accepted exclusively online through CRG’s online application system.
The application should include the following information:
- General information (name, affiliation, etc)
- Motivation letter indicating the potential impact of the visit*
- CV detailing active grants (3 pages max.)
- Description of proposed project (1 page)
- Preferred CRG hosting groups or Core Technology Units
- Outline of budget requested and brief justification (half a page max.)
- Support letter from applicant's employer (for PIs department Chair or Director of Institute, for postdocs and students their PI).
(*) Note that if a Principal investigator wishes to send a PhD student or Postdoc, a motivation letter from such student or postdoc is additionally required.
An acknowledgement of receipt of the application will be automatically sent by e-mail to the applicant. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
For any additional information, please contact the People Department at
Applications must be submitted by May 1st 2023.
Selection process
- Pre-selection: Candidates will be chosen based on the scientific project, CV, motivation, letter of support and complementarity with the proposed hosting Group or Core Technology Unit.
- Interview: Preselected candidates will be interviewed by the hosting Group Leader or Head of Unit by the end of May.
- Offer and starting date: Once candidates are identified, the CRG People Department will send an invitation letter specifying the Visitor Program conditions. Once the offer is accepted candidates can start as soon as possible.
Ayuda CEX2020-001049-S financiada por MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033