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PRBB-CRG Sessions

PRBB-CRG SessionsPRBB-CRG Sessions

Scientific sessions of the PRBB centres funded by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park


02/09/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsIgor UlitskyWeizmann Institute of Science"Cis- and trans-acting gene regulation by long noncoding RNAs"Host: Eva NovoaAbstract:Given the growing number of lncRNAs implicated in human disease or required for proper development, fundamental questions that need to be addressed are: Which lncRNAs are functional? How is functional information encoded in the lncRNA sequence? Is this information interpreted in the context of the mature or the nascent RNA? What are the identities and functional roles of specific sequence domains within lncRNA genes? These are challenging questions, primarily because of the substantial...

06/09/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsTakashi HiiragiHubrecht Institute"Optimality for developmental robustness"Host: Adel Al Jord & Verena RuprechtAbstract:Tissue patterning depends on the coordination between cellular dynamics, fate specification and tissue morphogenesis. Understanding how precision in patterning is robustly achieved despite the inherent developmental variability remains a challenge. Our group aims to understand the design principle of multi-cellular organisms using early mammalian embryos as a model system. Our studies showed that feedbacks between cell fate, polarity and cell/tissue mechanics underlie the robust formation...

13/09/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsBen RaphaelPrinceton University"tbc"Host: Donate Weghorn

20/09/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsLaurent BlanchoinUniversité Grenoble-Alpes, CEA, CNRS, INRA & Université Paris Sciences et Lettres, CEA, ESPCI"Reconstituting the Dynamic Steady States of Actin Networks"Host: Adel Al Jord & Thomas SurreyAbstract:Intracellular organization is largely mediated by actin turnover. Cellular actin networks continuously assemble and disassemble while maintaining their overall structure. This behavior, called dynamic steady state, allows cells to sense and adapt to their environment. We developed reconstituted systems in vitro to mimic steady-state conditions with either unlimited or limited amounts of components, establishing feedback...

27/09/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsMariano BarbacidCentro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas"Targeting KRAS Driven Cancers: A Reality after 40 Years"Host: Juan ValcarcelAbstract:KRAS oncogenes are responsible for a quarter of lung adenocarcinomas, half of colorectal carcinomas and most pancreatic tumors. First identified in 1982, they were considered undruggable until a decade ago when Shokat and co-workers identified a druggable pocket within the 3D structure of tKRAS that led to the generation and subsequent approval in June of 2021 of sotorasib, a selective inhibitor against the KRASG12C oncogenic isoform. Since then, several inhibitors capable of blocking other KRAS...

25/10/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsIrene Miguel-AliagaThe Francis Crick Institute"tbc"Host: Juan Valcarcel

13/12/202412:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsMatthew Vander HeidenKoch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT"tbc"Host: Elvan Böke & Talya Dayton (EMBL)