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Staff Scientist
Sophie Bonnal

Staff Scientist
Sophie Bonnal

Short CV

2006-Present Staff Scientist in the lab of Pr Valcárcel, CRG
2004-2006 Postdoc in the lab of Pr Valcárcel, CRG
2003 PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology (University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) in the laboratory of Dr Vagner
1999 Master in Biochemistry (University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France)
1999 Engineer Diploma in Biochemistry (INSA_National Institute of Applied Sciences, Lyon, France)

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Staff Scientist
Silvia Pérez Lluch

Staff Scientist
Silvia Pérez Lluch

1998-2002 – Bachelor in Biology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain
2003-2007 – PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Barcelona Biomedical Research Institute (IRB), Barcelona, Spain
2007-2012 – Postdoctoral Researcher at the Genetics Department, University of Barcelona (UB), Barcelona, Spain
2013-2016 – Postdoctoral Researcher at the Bioinformatics and Genomics Program, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain

PRBB-CRG Sessions Salah El Mestilkawy

05/11/201812:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsSalah El MestilkawyInstitution/Department McGill University, Department of Psychiatry, CA"Regulation of the striatum by cholinergic interneurons: implication of addiction and eating disorders"Host: Rafael Maldonado (UPF)

PRBB-CRG Sessions Claudio Stern

22/10/201812:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsClaudio SternDeparment of Cell & Development Biology, University College London, UK"Two for the price of one. Twinning, the ultimate regeneration"Host: Berta Alsina (UPF)

PRBB-CRG Sessions Maya Schuldiner

19/10/201812:00MARIE CURIEPRBB-CRG SessionsMaya SchuldinerWeissman Institute, IL"Systematic approaches to study the many ways to target proteins to the secretory pathway"Host: PhD Students (CRG)Abstract:The evolutionary emergence of organelles was a defining process in

Effective Visual Communication of Science

How to visualize your scientific ideas and help your audience effortlessly grasp the essence of your research

When reading research papers, conference posters or viewing slide presentations, people look at figures first. To make these effective, we need to follow some fundamental principles and best practices that underlying good visual communication. These are simple to understand and very powerful when applied.

This is a comprehensive workshop that will cover:

Career Development Workshop: Self-analysis and making career choices

This workshop is a useful starting point for those who are considering their next career move. Designed specifically for postdoctoral researchers, the workshop aims at helping raise awareness of your skills, interests and values and to link this information to the process of career decision making. You will have the opportunity to identify your strengths, examine the job market and employer requirements in a range of sectors and formulate a strategy for your own personal and professional development.

WET LAB BIOLOGY CRASH COURSE - From pipetting to understanding -

Registration deadline: 29th June 2018
Teachers: Paula Pifarre & Damjana Kastelic
Dates: 5th (10-17h) & 6th (14-17h) July 2018
Participants: Undergraduate/master students

Have you ever perform an experiment without really understanding the process behind?

Have you ever try to troubleshoot your experiment and you don't know where to start?

Intro to Maths for Biologists

Motivation and description of the course:  Modern Biology is becoming an increasingly quantitative discipline that requires a high degree of interdisciplinary interactions among scientists. Biologists usually face the most difficult part of interdisciplinary collaborations since the level of mathematics needed to develop a fruitful discussion is relatively high.
