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From Science to Business-BIST/ESADE

The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and the ESADE Business School launched a course “From Science to Business” with the goal of accelerating the transfer of technologies developed in the BIST research institutes to the marketplace.

Bdebate Open science: from values to practice. Building a roadmap for transformative change

Open Science aims to open up the whole research cycle to society, reinforcing the idea of scientific knowledge as a public good. Open Science leverages on new digital technologies and facilitates inclusiveness, openness, participation and collaboration across the globe. It embraces open access to publications, data, codes, methodologies, ethics and integrity, open research evaluation, open educational resources and multi-stakeholder engagement in research.

Role of Wikimedia in the era of Open Science

Wikimedia has been developing and hosting open initiatives to help the scientific community and to make ongoing research more approachable to a wider citizen audience long before Open Science became a central topic of debate among scientists, policymakers and funders.

Train the Trainer

This is a one day course to improve your teaching skills and provide you with tools to use in oyour courses

Date: 23/04/2018 or 24/04/2018 - 9:30-17:00

The learning objectives of this course are:

Consciència en el cervell elèctric

Què és la consciència? Aquesta pregunta ha sigut un dels misteris més grans de l’univers que ha capturat l’atenció de psicòlegs, filòsofs, neurocientífics, físics, metges, monjos i artistes durant segles.

WB Training course

Trainer: T. Falques (SG Sevicios Hospitalarios)
Organizers: Paula Pifarre, Marc Bataller

I. Theoretical part: 1h (10:00am-11:00am) /Aula room

  • Direct and indirect detection on western blot
  • Advantages of working with NIR. Tools to improve protocols.
  • Software comparison between version 3 and 5.2
  • Other tools from Odyssey Classic
  • Questions and doubts

II. Practical part (at the machine in the 5th floor)

Biostatistics Course: Statistical Analysis applied to Research Data

The course will give an overview of important concepts and methods used to analyse “Biomedical data”. The emphasis will be on the understanding of statistical concepts and their interpretation in a research framework. After a general introduction on probability theory and statistical inference, an emphasis will be made on common statistical methods. Particular cases will be used as illustrative examples.

Courses@CRG: FoldX In silico protein engineering: From modeling to docking

Structural analysis is a key aspect for a detailed understanding of the molecular basis that govern the functions and interactions among biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, small ligands, etc.) within the cell. The goal of the course is to provide young investigators an intensive training on the state of the art modeling tools oriented to answer a wide variety of functional questions relevant to biology.

BASICS OF BIOLOGY (or Biology for Dummies) TRAINING

Basics of Biology (or Biology for dummies)

This is a course of 20h aimed at providing basic Biology (especially on the subjects worked at CRG-CNAG) to medical doctors, informaticians, mathematicians, physicists, engineers and anyone in need. The course will consist on two parts:
