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8th CNAG-CIBERER Symposium on Genomic Medicine Applied to Rare Diseases

Madrid, 5th July 2018. - Over 30 million Europeans are affected by a rare disease at some point in their lives. Although individually uncommon, rare diseases collectively affect as many as 7% of the population or 1 in 17 people. 80% of these diseases are of genètic origin. It is essential to use DNA and RNA sequencing and analysis to identify genetic variants that give rise to rare diseases in order to advance research and treatments in this field.


Linux & Cluster Courses


18/06/2018 - Bioinfomratics room (468) - 4th floor - 10am - 1pm

This course is suitable for beginners and explains the basics of GNU/Linux commands and scripts creation. In particular it encompasses the following key concepts:

Nanodrop Workshop

This is a practical course for the new Nanodrop equipment, more information HERE.

The workshop will be divided in 2 parts:

1) Theoretical part: 10-11:30h - Italy room (5th floor - hospital wing)

  1. Presentation of the new Nanodrop model.

3rd Barcelona Science Slam & Pre-final of the European Science Slam

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), in partnership with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), is organizing the 3rd Barcelona Science Slam, which will take place on Thursday 31st May at 8 pm in Bar Mau Mau (Fontrodona 35, 08004 Barcelona). This is also a European Science Slam pre-final and the winner will participate in the European final in Toulouse in July 2018.

Clinical Proteomics: towards personalized medicine and health

Traditionally, medicine relies on the patient's examination, medical history and available clinical parameters for the diagnosis of diseases and the selection of treatments. However, this practice is currently evolving with the emergence of new imaging techniques and high-throughput molecular sequencing that generate a large amounts of data per patient. These data can be converted to relevant clinical information allowing patient stratification and the deciphering of pathological mechanisms, thus advancing in the paradigm of personalized medicine.

INTERNSHIP – Learning by doing 2018

Short internships for CRG PhD students, Postdocs, and Technicians in various CRG departments


Good Practices in Bioinformatics

Date: Monday 7th May 2018
Room: Bioinformatics (468)
Hour: 10am-14pm
Level: beginners / non-bioinformaticians

The course will cover the following topics:

1) Project handling: getting started and organized

2) Version control

3) Data handling: good practices from SIT

4) Software: software in the cluster, introduction to containers

5) Pipeline: what is a pipeline, introduction to Nextflow

Targeted proteomics: Experimental design and data analysis

Different targeted proteomics strategies have recently emerged in the field of proteomics that enable the detection and quantification of a predetermined subset of proteins with a high degree of sensitivity and reproducibility across many samples. This EMBO Practical Course aims to fill in the gap between theory and the actual implementation of the targeted proteomics workflow, so that by the end of the week the students have the necessary know-how to implement the targeted proteomics workflows in their own research laboratories.
