Researchers from the CRG have discovered that ultraviolet light affects the function of the protein EWS, the mutation of which is responsible for Ewing’s sarcoma.
This 5-day long course, held at the CRG July 4-8, provided a broad introduction to systems biology, with a focus on dynamical modelling of networks, to an audience of 16 PhD students and post-docs...
22 research groups make up the first draft, 12 of them from Catalonia. The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation will define the 10 winners in November.
This programme aims to boost Spanish biomedical research by recruiting students from all over the world to the main biomedical research institutes in Spain.
The young people are to spend the summer at the centre where they will discover first-hand the amazing world of research. They will each undertake a real research project integrated into the...
A team headed by Gian Gaetano Targaglia, group leader of the Gene Function and Evolution group at the CRG, presents catRAPID, a new method for a better understanding of gene regulation networks....
The Board of the CRG officially names the successor to Miguel Beato who has been at the helm for the past ten years.
The ESF has launched a new Research Networking Programme “Quantissue”, and has appointed Dr. Hernán López-Schier as the Chairman of the Steering Committee.
CRG hosted the 3rd Quantomics Consortium Meeting. Quantomics is a collaborative project that aims to deliver a step-change in the availability of cutting edge technologies and tools for the...
CRG researchers describe how the human genome is packaged into a single sperm cell and why this may be important for the evolution of genomes and the regulation of genes during development.