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CRG Scientific Coffee: El microbioma humà: els hostes del nostre cos

Bacteris i fongs. Aquests microorganismes no tenen gaire en comú amb els humans, però, en canvi, en el nostre cos viuen 100 bilions de cèl·lules d’aquestes espècies, superant en 10 vegades el nombre de cèl·lules humanes, i són claus per al seu bon funcionament. El conjunt de tots ells és conegut com el microbioma humà i s’estableix una relació simbiòtica amb el nostre organisme.

TBDO Sessions Round-table discussion in the context of the 2nd CRG BioBusiness School.

09/10/201510:00CHARLES DARWINTBDO SessionsRound-table discussion in the context of the 2nd CRG BioBusiness School..What it takes to be an entrepreneurAbstract:“Start ups”, “spin-offs”, “innovation”, “entrepreneurship”… In advanced economies, technology-based company creation is perceived as an important motor of regional economic development.

RNA Biology in Cancer and other Diseases

The second meeting on RNA Biology in Cancer and other Diseases will take place on November 24-26, 2015, co-organized by the Consolider RNAREG and the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute (IJC). Recent progress has made evident that RNA metabolism plays a key regulatory role in the control of gene expression and that alteration in this process are major contributors to human disease.

"The new 'bio' II" course

Course aimed at teachers of the course “Science for the modern world” as well as biology teachers at 4th of secondary, 1st and 2nd of Baccalaureate levels.

Barcelona NGS'16: Genome Annotation

Mark Your Calendars for the NGS 2016!

Hosted by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), this year's edition will be dedicated to Genome Annotation.

CRG Scientific Coffee: Epigenètica: més enllà de GATTACA



L’ADN conté la informació necessària per generar totes les cèl·lules d’un individu. Les cèl·lules, però, també tenen un altre tipus d’informació amagada que els biòlegs moleculars volen desxifrar: l’epigenètica.

2nd CRG BioBusiness School

Based on the great success of the first edition, the 2nd CRG Bio-Business School shall:

VI CRG Postdoctoral Symposium

Organizers:  Sebastian Baumann, Elias Bechara, Nicola Brownlow, Juanjo Fraire, Xianghua Li and CRG Postdoc Committee

Invited Speakers:

Bernhard Payer, Epigenetic Reprogramming in Embryogenesis and the Germline, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Tanya Vavouri, Regulatory Genomics, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain

CRG Postdoc talks:

COURSES@CRG: Whole-Cell Modeling


Javier Carrera, Stanford University, USA
Jonathan Karr, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Maria Lluch-Senar, Center for Genomic Regulation, Spain
Luis Serrano, Center for Genomic Regulation, Spain

Course description
