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Courses@CRG: Biological Super-Resolution Microscopy

From Science to Business - BIST/ESADE Business School

Today’s global economy and business are facing a tremendous challenge: how to transform research, the money invested and the resources provided to laboratories and scientific parks into new innovations to create new products and services that can lead to the improvement of the life of individuals and society as a whole. One of the main barriers encountered is the “distance” between researchers and the business world. This distance is not usually physical, it is simply a lack of knowledge on both sides.

Courses@CRG: Biological Super-Resolution Microscopy

In the last years, super-resolution light microscopy equipment has become more widely available for biological researchers. Most if not all of the existing approaches do however present challenges in sample preparation, image acquisition and also the subsequent analysis that need to be met for the successful execution of a biological experiment.

Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course

Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course     

ICREA International Symposium. BioNanoVision of cellular architecture: from the nucleus to the cell membrane

The International symposium in BioNanoVision will bring together a multidisciplinary group of world-leading scientists to further our understanding on the fundamental molecular mechanisms that regulate cellular architecture, from nuclear organization to the cell membrane. These will include experts from the optical nanoscopy field, biophysicists, cell biologists, chemists and statistical physicists.

TBDO Sessions Malcolm Bain

14/01/201612:00473.10TBDO SessionsMalcolm BainID Law PartnersSoftware protection and licensing issues…with a focus towards commercializationHost: Cappadona, SalvatoreAbstract:Software protection and licensing issues …with a focus towards commercialization: Many outcomes produced by biomedical/genomic R+D today involve software and databases.

ICSB 2016 - International Conference on Systems Biology, Barcelona 16-20 September 2016

The 17th edition of the International Conference on Systems Biology will be held in Barcelona (Spain) on 16-20 September 2016.

CRG Scientific Coffee: L'EGA, una biblioteca per a la medicina del futur?


Desxifrar el genoma humà va suposar l’accés a una informació privilegiada i única de cadascú de nosaltres. Avui, molts projectes de recerca biomèdica utilitzen aquesta informació per avançar en el coneixement de les malalties. Barcelona acull l’Arxiu Europeu de Genomes i Fenomes (EGA) que comprèn un gran volum de dades genètiques provinents de projectes de recerca d’arreu i posa a disposició de la comunitat científica tota aquesta informació.

COURSES@CRG: iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling

General description of the course
This course is a joint initiative between the Institut Curie (Paris) and the CRG (Barcelona).

It is divided in two parts: Theoretical and Practicals (participants can apply to one or both options).


IX CRG PhD Symposium

Organized by: CRG PhD Representatives, CRG Graduate Committee

Symposium overview
The IX CRG PhD Symposium is a internal symposium aimed at providing a platform for the young scientists working at the centre. All 2nd year students give a short talk focusing on the main question they want to address in their PhD and how they are planning to do this. In addition posters by 3rd year students will give an overview of the work that is being carried out in our institute.
