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The impact of genomics data on health: The role of the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA), 13 April 2018

The impact of genomics data on health: The role of the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA), 13 April 2018The impact of genomics data on health: The role of the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA), 13 April 2018




Friday, 13 April

09:30-10:00 Registration

10:00-10:15 Welcome 

  • Luis Serrano, Director of Centre for Genomics Regulation, Barcelona ES
  • Àngel Font, Corporate Director of Research and Strategy La Caixa Banking Foundation, Barcelona ES
  • Arcadi Navarro, Secretary of Universities and Research, Dept. of Business & Knowledge, Catalan Government ES

10:15-10:45 The realiability and surprising uses of BigData in Genomics. Towards increased health and lower costs though a negative approach

  • Arcadi Navarro, Secretary of Universities and Research, Dept. of Business & Knowledge, Catalan Government ES

    10:45-11:30 An overview on Medical Genomics:

              Medical Genomics today: Expetation & Needs
              Carmen Ayuso,
    Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, IIS-FJD, UAM, Madrid ES

              The software ecosystem around EGA
              Alfonso Valencia, BSC, Barcelona ES

    11:30-12:30 Tools to interpret genomics data for medical use

    Interpreting the biological and clinical significance of tumor mutations
    Núria López-Bigas, IRB Barcelona ES
    to be determined
    Stephan Ossowski, CRG, Barcelona ES & University of Tübingen DE

    The RD-Connect Genome Anaysis Platform
    Ivo Gut,
    CNAG-CRG, Barcelona ES

    12:30-13:00 The European Genome-phenome Archive by Jordi Rambla, CRG, Barcelona ES

    13:00-14:00 Lunch break

    14:00-16:00 Round table on challenges and opportunities on the role of the European
    Genome-phenome Archive and its future developments to make medical genomics happen in Spain

    Chair: Alfonso Valencia, BSC, Barcelona ES

    • Begoña Aguado, CBMSO, CSIC-UAM, Madrid ES
    • Elias Campo, IDIBAPS/Hospital Clínic, Barcelona ES
    • Juan Domingo Gispert, Neuroimaging Unit Manager, Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Barcelona ES
    • Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, CNIC, Madrid ES

    16:00-16:15 Final remarks by Luis Serrano, CRG, Barcelona ES