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CRG Scientific Coffee: "What are stem cells?"

Are stem cells really a tool to cure human diseases? Are they found only in embryos or umbilical cord?

If adults have stem cells in their bodies, does it make sense to keep the umbilical cord stem cells at birth? What do scientists know exactly about stem cells nowadays? And what they don't know?

Come listen and ask whatever you want on this subjet to a panel of experts in a very different and innovative place, a bar run by a scientist doing research ...  on stem cells!


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Neurociència i.... Debats de Neurociència i Societat

El Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG), l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) i l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) organitzen una sèrie de quatre debats amb el títol «Neurociència i ... », en què tres ponents faran una presentació breu i a continuació es convidarà el públic assistent a participar en un debat obert.

Integrative and Computational Biology Joint symposium - V IMPPC Annual Conference and 4DCellFate Workshop

We are very pleased to welcome you to the mini web for our joint symposium: Integrative and Computational Biology.

CRG Scientific Coffee: "Is "Big Data" part of my future?

Big Data is the term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications (wikipedia)

Neurociència i.... Debats de Neurociència i Societat

El Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG), l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) i l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) organitzen una sèrie de quatre debats amb el títol «Neurociència i ... », en què tres ponents faran una presentació breu i a continuació es convidarà el públic assistent a participar en un debat obert.

COURSES@CRG: Analysis of Exome-Sequencing Data for Clinical Applications

Course Overview
This course is mainly addressed to medical doctors and clinical researchers with basic training in the analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data, with a focus on Exome-sequencing analysis for clinical applications, but is not addressed to expert bioinformaticians.

INGENIUM MiniSymposium

In the frame of the INGENIUM Mid-Term Review Meeting, we would like to invite you to participate in the sessions on the 3rd of February, which are open to the whole scientific community.
