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14/12/2018 to 21/12/2018
This is an intensive practical course where students will get a broad overview and hands on experience in the field of Chromatin and Gene Regulation, more particularly through genome-wide approaches. Aims of the course: To provide doctoral students...
Versió català / Versión castellano La genètica: física o biologia? Com sap una cèl·lula mare que ha de convertir-se en una neurona i no en una cèl·lula cardíaca? La resposta es troba a la genètica, en les instruccions escrites en el nostre ADN. Però...
22/11/2018 to 23/11/2018
Reproducibility of in-silico pipelines analysis is one of biology's most pressing issues. The exponential growth of biological datasets, increasingly complex data analysis methods and the lack of community standards all present major challenges....
11/11/2018 to 16/11/2018
Different targeted proteomics strategies have recently emerged in the field of proteomics that enable the detection and quantification of a predetermined subset of proteins with a high degree of sensitivity and reproducibility across many samples....
07/11/2018 to 08/11/2018
Traditionally, medicine relies on the patient's examination, medical history and available clinical parameters for the diagnosis of diseases and the selection of treatments. However, this practice is currently evolving with the emergence of new...
Versió català / Versión castellano Compartir dades genòmiques: el millor camí per avançar en el tractament del càncer? L'anàlisi de dades genòmiques podria ajudar a emetre millors pronòstics en malalties de base genètica, com alguns tipus de càncer...
25/10/2018 to 26/10/2018
The C. elegans community is currently experiencing rapid growth in the quality, diversity, and throughput of image data available. Technology will soon allow us to capture every motion from birth to death of every individual within large nematode...
Versió català / Versión castellano L’evolució és positiva o negativa per a l’espècie humana? El concepte evolució té associat un significat positiu, ja que les espècies necessiten evolucionar per sobreviure però, què significa realment evolució?...
16/10/2018 to 19/10/2018
Structural analysis is a key aspect for a detailed understanding of the molecular basis that govern the functions and interactions among biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, small ligands, etc.) within the cell. The goal of the course is to...
04/10/2018 to 05/10/2018
Open Science aims to open up the whole research cycle to society, reinforcing the idea of scientific knowledge as a public good. Open Science leverages on new digital technologies and facilitates inclusiveness, openness, participation and...
28/09/2018 to 29/09/2018
Catalan version / Spanish version / English version Nit de la Recerca 2018 Matí de la Recerca a Escoles i Instituts Sergi Aranda, investigador del Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG), participarà al programa "Matí de la Recerca en Escoles i Instituts...
27/09/2018 to 28/09/2018
  The 17th CRG Symposium will take place on 27-28 September at the PRBB Auditorium (Barcelona, Spain) on a current issue of crucial importance: new state-of-the-art technologies that are reshaping research in the biological sciences. This Symposium...
30/07/2018 to 03/08/2018
Organoids are revolutionizing the fields of developmental and stem cell biology as they have enabled the in vitro generation of complex structures resembling whole organs. They can be generated either from resident progenitors in adult organs or...
08/07/2018 to 13/07/2018
The Summer School will provide hands-on training in computational analysis of proteomics data generated by high-resolution mass spectrometry. This powerful technology is increasingly applied to systems-wide investigations of different aspects of...
Madrid, 5th July 2018. - Over 30 million Europeans are affected by a rare disease at some point in their lives. Although individually uncommon, rare diseases collectively affect as many as 7% of the population or 1 in 17 people. 80% of these...
13/06/2018 to 17/06/2018
Caenorhabditis elegans has long been a leading model organism for the study of animal development and behaviour. The C. elegans community continues to produce scientific breakthroughs and technological advances at a high pace. We invite you to...
03/06/2018 to 09/06/2018
Throughout its life cycle, each RNA will interact dynamically with numerous RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that determine how the RNA is processed, where it is localized, whether it is translated and finally how it is degraded. In turn, RBPs can...
The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), in partnership with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), is organizing the 3rd Barcelona Science Slam, which will take place on Thursday 31st May at 8 pm in Bar Mau Mau (Fontrodona 35, ...
              On Wednesday, May 30th 2018, a full-day workshop joinlty organised with ICFO and CRG will take place at the PRBB Auditorium in order to promote various cooperation and funding opportunities between Europe and the USA, within the NIH...
Wikimedia has been developing and hosting open initiatives to help the scientific community and to make ongoing research more approachable to a wider citizen audience long before Open Science became a central topic of debate among scientists,...
About Friday, 13 April, CosmoCaixa, Barcelona (versión en Español abajo) The likelihood of developing a particular disease, and its specific expression in an individual varies according to multiple factors (including age, sex, lifestyle, environment...
09/04/2018 to 11/04/2018
Hosted by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Next Generation Sequencing Conference 2018 (NGS 2018) is a dedicated meeting on cutting-edge approaches to the processing and...
15/03/2018 to 16/03/2018
Què és la consciència? Aquesta pregunta ha sigut un dels misteris més grans de l’univers que ha capturat l’atenció de psicòlegs, filòsofs, neurocientífics, físics, metges, monjos i artistes durant segles. Emmarcat dins la Setmana del Cervell 2018,...
05/02/2018 to 05/03/2018
  Aquest curs de formació i reciclatge per a professorat de secundària pretén actualitzar els vostres coneixements en biologia d’avantguarda i enriquir-vos amb idees d’experiments per tal que els pugeu aplicar a l’aula i estimular així la curiositat...
Aquesta tercera edició del curs de formació i reciclatge "Activa't amb la cèl·lula" adreçat al professorat de primària, tant a professors titulars com a professors d’educació física, ofereix una visió integral de biologia cel·lular (des de la cèl·...