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Life Sciences ERC Grants in Catalonia

The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), invites you to the presentation of the projects awarded with Life Sciences ERC Grants in Catalonia.

The responsible of the Comission for Universities and Research, Blanca Palmada, will chair the event and will take part in its closure together with the director of the Centre for Genomic Regulation, Miguel Beato.

SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: So, what's cancer?

Burnt bread, microwaves, mobile phone... are they carcinogenic? Are all cancers the same? How can research help for the cancer cure? Is cancer hereditary?

Cancer is part of our lives and, for that reason, It is always dragging off a lot of myths and taboo. This scientific cafe wants to offer a good dialogue about that question bringing some information about cancer and recent research in that field.


VII CRG Annual Symposium: Mechanisms Regulating Cell Growth and Division


CRG is pleased to announce this year's symposium on the "Mechanisms regulating cell Growth and Division." These two processes are tightly coupled and the aim of the meeting is to bring to the forefront keys issues related to cell growth and division. Leaders in the field will discuss their findings and help outline the future directions.  

The meeting is open to all and we look forward to your participation.


Vivek Malhotra, Isabelle Vernos & Hernán López-Schier

PRBB Open Day

Have you ever extracted DNA from a tomato? Do you know what a protein looks like? What will a yeast cell do if you piss it off? And... what is science good for, in short?

Now it is your chance! The Open Day at PRBB will allow you to answer this and other questions, be a scientist for a day walking through the laboratories and making real experiments.

First EMBO Conference on the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Development and Regeneration

First EMBO Conference on the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Development and Regeneration

About the Conference Series

The EMBO Conference Series on Myogenesis relates basic research in muscle biology to major issues in development, disease, regeneration and systems biology.


What can tell the genes about ourselves? Which are good and bad uses from the genetic information?

We will talk about medical hopes and ethical issues related to the possibility of knowing people's genes.

Our third café científico wants to offer a good dialogue and a to be a place where exchanging ideas or oppinions about that subject.

2nd SmS (CRG) SCIENTIFIC CAFE: "Transgenic food"

Rice to  prevent blindness.

Milk containing vaccines.

Is transgenic food the solution?

What advantages and inconveniences do they have?

First International EURASNET Conference on Alternative Splicing

First International EURASNET Conference on Alternative Splicing

EURASNET, the EU-funded Network of Excellence on Alternative Splicing, will host a conference on the mechanisms, physiological importance and disease-associations of alternative splicing in the very beautiful city of Krakow.  Both scientists and clinicians are warmly invited to participate.

The Brain Awareness Week 2008 in Barcelona


Barcelona joins the celebration of the Brain Awareness Week with proposals exploring several aspects of neuroscience research and approaching the possibilities offered for a better understanding of our brain.

Donwload the program by clicking on the link to your right.

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