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CRG-SmS Scientific Coffee: Rare Diseases


What do we know about the CDG Syndrome, the RETT Syndrome and the other rare diseases? 

What is a rare disease? How can we detect them? Do we find new rare diseases or we already know all of them? Is the scientific community working on this?


III CRG PhD Students Symposium

The III CRG PhD Students Symposium is a CRG internal symposium with the aim to provide a platform for the young scientists working at the CRG. All 2nd year students will give a short talk focusing on the main question they want to address in their PhD and how they are planning to do this. In addition, posters of 3rd year students will give an overview of work that has been carried out during the last years.

Imaging Approaches to Study Cytoskeleton Dynamics

Barcelona, 10th to 13th November 2009
Organised by the Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG) and Leica Microsystems

2nd Barcelona Cell & Developmental Biology Meeting


16:00 - 16:05 h        Welcome by Hernán López-Schier

16:05 - 16:50 h        Marco Milán (ICREA and IRB Barcelona)
                                "Micro-RNAs and growth control"

VIII CRG Annual Symposium "Stem Cells, Differentiation and Cancer"



The CRG symposia have been highly successful in bringing together some of the best scientists in their field.

For the upcoming VIIIth symposium we have merged the fields of stem cell research and differentiation with that of cancer.

1st DNA Model Contest


The DNA Model Contest is open to anyone from 8 to 18 years old!

There are 4 categories and 4 prizes worth 1000€ each! For example:

PRBB Open Doors Day


How is the daily routine of researchers?

Have your ever extracted the DNA from a kiwi? Do you know how Darwin developed his theory of evolution? Would you like to create you own fossil? Summing up… what’s science for?

Everything you always wanted to know about stem cells but were afraid to ask - ISSCR

Everything you always wanted to know about stem cells but were afraid to ask. A debate on the future of biomedicine

CRG-SmS Scientific Coffe: Science & Sci-Fi. Where is the limit?

SCIENTIFIC COFFEE: Science & Sci-Fi: Where is the limit? 

Is it the same to create a sci-fi history and a scientific project? Does reality overcome fiction? Would it be possible to travel by teletransport? Will a pill be the solution for all?

A summer school at Dubrovnik


Stress, drug addiction and eating disorders

A summer school at Dubrovnik with lecturers from the PRBB, University Pompeu Fabra and the Centre for Genomic Regulation!

Registration open!
